Community Spotlight: Little Switch Yoga

Welcome to 'Community Spotlight' where we explore the unique stories of businesses, organizations, and individuals, and celebrate the heart of our community!

Meet Agni Hogaboom, a nonbinary vegan clothing designer, artist, community builder, former engineer and owner of Little Switch Yoga based in Grays Harbor, Washington. In this interview we’ll dive into Agni’s path to yoga, their relationship with veganism, and perspective on life.

On Yoga:

Agni, how did your yoga journey begin and how has it changed since then?

My yoga journey began over twenty years ago, in the basement of a gym in Port Townsend, Washington. I remember my first adho mukha svanasana, although I didn't know that's what it was called!

I don't look like a "yoga teacher.” I'm older (46), I'm fat, and I don't wear the yoga uniform — leggings and sporty-looking gear. I let that hold me back for a while until a yoga teacher really helped me see that I belong if I say I do!

Today I favor strong, vigorous practice and working to gain strength and mobility. I have a LOT of energy and I love to spend it on the mat!

What are some of your favorite yoga modalities to practice or teach and why?

I haven't met a yoga class I didn't love! That said, I tend to teach a combination of hatha, vinyasa, and mobility work. I am very fortunate in that I am currently teaching four classes a week that I get to design myself. In my Aberdeen class, I host a huge diversity of clientele. My last class had two septuagenarians, one 80 year old, an individual with a leg prosthesis and three children!

One of my big motivations for Little Switch is to build community - the kinds of people who start to learn one another's names, to care for one another, to share gifts and to spend time drinking tea after class. In my Sunday classes most of my students stay - sometimes for a full hour! This - and all the laughter and good-naturedness in my classes - helps me know I'm on the right track!

Why should people try yoga if they've never done it before?

People should try yoga if they want to live longer and better, to ameliorate back pain, to decrease stress and improve physical, mental, and emotional resiliency. They should also practice FOR FUN because we can all use more fun in life!

On Veganism:

What inspired you to go vegan and how has your commitment changed over time?

Oh I could write so much about this! I first went vegan in 1990 at age thirteen, but I wasn't well-supported and I live in a tiny town. There was no tofu or plant milk at the grocery store! Over the years I went in and out of veganism briefly and then long stints of vegetarianism, which was a weird hellish place to be.

As 2015 rolled into 2016 I could feel this great pressure, almost a bodily presence. I knew I wasn't going to be able to live while consuming the flesh or secretions of animals, or exploiting their bodies and labors. I had a couple conversations with nonvegans - who were so adamantly opposed to the facts of cruelty in the animal agribusiness industries - that I knew I could no longer promote animal rights in theory. I had to make a decision. My first few weeks were scary for me and I didn't recieve the love and support I should have. But I quickly straightened out and I've been vegan ever since. I can't overstate how wonderful this practice makes me feel. I have more energy, joy, humor and resources than ever!

What are some of your favorite home-cooked meals?

My partner and I are both excellent cooks! We are passionate vegans skilled at adapting old school favorites to their superior plant-based versions. My background is Polish so we also have a lot of (vegan) "meat and potatoes" like pierogi, gołąbki, and simple hearty soups and stews.

How have you incorporated your values into your business, and how has it helped you?

To say that my values have helped my business is a vast understatement. I actually teach a course called the Whole Enchilada for ethical entrepreneurs - focusing on helping Creatives especially. They are the cornerstone of my business ventures!

On Life:

As someone who has multiple businesses and different careers in the past, how do you decide what paths to follow?

That is a really great question. Well, I don't power through and try to force anything anymore. I practice yoga and meditation daily and I find that helps guide my intuition. I make plans, and see where the plans lead me. I've never desired to make loads of money or get fame or anything like that. If I had to pick a governing principle, it would be two fold: to enjoy as high quality a life as possible, and to lead and participate in constructive community action. I am tired of (and have been, for a long time) the gross overconsumption that Americans are encouraged to participate in. So I gravitate towards environmental justice, community connections - and a whole lot of innovative malarkey!

What other practices, hobbies or habits fill your cup?

Most of my workday is designing and creating amazing custom couture and workwear. I also prioritize my family life - my partner and our two college-aged children. I have a best friend and I make time to meet with her once a week. I meditate with a sangha and teacher once a week, too. And I goof off - a LOT. In fact, on social media I'm often saying “I am On My Bullshyte” because I make time to play EVERY single day. Without play, I'd just be another workaholic!

Who or what inspires you?

I am inspired primarily by my own children, whom we unschooled. They are 19 and 21 and in college now - but living that Eden with them for two decades, changed me more than anything else. Artistically, I take inspiration from the world of horror movies (I co-host a horror podcast!) and from my working-class background - that's why I'm a jeansmith in my other business.

I am also inspired by vegan activists - too many to name all of them! But I want to give a special shout-out to Stewart Mitchell (@vigilantevegan), Emilia Leese (@emisgoodeating and @thinklikeavegan), Christopher Sebastian (@the_christopher_sebastian), and Jess McKay (@jessmckaypuppets) because they are not only doing great work, they have each given me so much hope and encouragement in times I really needed it.

Thanks, Agni!

Be sure to follow Agni on Instagram, and of course book a yoga class!


Forging a New Path & Finding Balance