A Fresh Start: Welcome to Eat Well Live Wild

Hey, friends! It’s time to let you in on something I’ve been working on...

I’m now the founder, strategist, marketer, writer, creator, social media manager, etc. for my new freelance marketing business, Eat Well Live Wild, LLC.

I started Eat Well Live Wild as a blog and passion project back in 2017 when I went vegan. It had such a positive impact on my life, I wanted to share it with others. I wrote about veganism, recipes, traveling, restaurant recommendations and more. Meanwhile, I was searching for a parallel job in the “real world” to pay the bills.

That journey led me to a 5+ year nose-to-the-grindstone marketing career in the food and beverage industry. I loved it, and will forever be grateful for it, but I recognized that I was missing a big piece of myself. I wanted to spend more time outside, more time traveling, more time in my community. So I took a step back from my career and did all of those things.

From that, I found myself volunteering at an animal sanctuary, joining a book club and women’s hiking meetups, traveling solo, and rediscovering my happiness. In the back of my mind I remembered this little blog I used to have, and what it meant to me. I started reading through old posts and emails I had written, and thought, “Why did I ever give that up?” Of course, my career had kept me very busy, but it was time to revisit that chapter. Now, with a lot more experience and a fresh perspective.

So here I am, “doing the damn thing,” as they say. I’m reopening my blog (slowly), but I’m mainly offering reels content creation, social media management, and email & sms support to brands and businesses in the vegan, outdoor and travel industries.

In my past lives I’ve worked with more than 16 brands on the agency side, supported hundreds of founders through a major industry news publication and their bi-annual events, served in the U.S. Army Reserve and deployed, interned at a major cruise line and much more.

So, if you’re looking for a freelance marketer, or know someone who is, send me a message! I would love to chat.

With love, joy, excitement and all the other good feelings,

– Jess 💚


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